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Writing an Opinion Paragraph in Zoom Classes

by Esma Senel |

This lesson plan introduces how to write an opinion paragraph in a well-known virtual platform, Zoom classes. It demonstrates the effective use of breakout rooms and Mentimeter during online writing instruction. 

Resource Type: Lesson Plan

Audience: Adult, University

Audience Language Proficiency: Intermediate

Duration: 60 mins

Materials And Technology:

Zoom class, Mentimeter

  • To describe themselves in a creative way
  • To analyze the parts of a paragraph
  • To identify main ideas and supporting details
  • To give examples, facts, and reasons to support ideas
  • To restate the main idea in the conclusion
  • To write a topic sentence with a controlling idea
  • To practice supporting details and examples
  • To restate the main idea
  • To express an idea about a given topic
  • To state an opinion and develop counterarguments


Students will be able to:
 differentiate topic and controlling idea in a sentence
 write a topic sentence with a controlling idea
 produce topic sentences for the given paragraphs
 produce supporting sentences for the given topic sentence
 write a concluding sentence to restate the topic sentence

Procedure: This lesson plan embodies the presentation, practice and prıduct approach that helps students engage actively in the learning process in online writing instruction. It starts with a warm-up session that requires the use of Mentimeter to help students describe themselves in a creative way. In the presentation process, the teacher shows an interesting PowerPoint that draws learners attention to make connections between OREO and opinion paragraph. Following this, students are given a worksheet to practice what they have learnt from OREO process. Finally, students work in small groups and discuss relevant questions about the topics they have covered.
Differentiation: Students who need more help and attention can be paired or work in groups together in breakout rooms. Teachers can assign them into the same classrooms to give more detailed instruction.


Ward, C., & Gramer, M. (2019). Q: skills for success. Oxford University Press.

Hstripling. (2015, 19 August). OREO writing process for opinion paragraphs. Tes.

Supporting Files:
Writing An Opinion Paragraph In Zoom Classes.pdf

TESOL Interest Section: Adult Education, English as a Foreign Language, Higher Education, Materials Writers

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