TESOL International Association Joins 163 Organizations in Support of $2B in Funding for U.S. Title III of ESEA
TESOL International Association joins 163 organizations supporting $2B in funding for U.S. Title III of ESEA for fiscal year 2024. The jointly signed letter to the Senate and House Appropriations Subcommittees for Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies calls for federal funding levels to support multilingual learners of English (MLEs) throughout the U.S. public education system. The amount will help fund local and state agencies as they serve the growing number of MLEs, especially in light of the impact of inflation.
The current funding cycle presents many challenges this year, and this letter represents one step in voicing support for our MLEs. Take your support a step further by attending the TESOL Advocacy & Policy Summit, 20-21 June 2023, in Washington, D.C. At the summit, you will hear from policy experts, learn more on the legislation impacting MLEs, and have opportunity to advocate for all MLEs at all levels.